And the hits keep coming- have a thyroid nodule

I'm so over feeling like shit. So, I got back the results from my thyroid ultrasound and apart from an otherwise normal thyroid, I have a cyst (a fluid filled thyroid nodule) dead centre on my thyroid. For weeks, I thought it was sinus infection/ear infection. Have done saline rinses, nasal sprays, on doxycycline (so now I roast when I'm in the sun 5 min!) and nothing worked. NO wonder I couldn't cough it up; it wasn't mucous at all!

Still waiting on the hormonal bloodwork. Only remedies I see for this are: 1) watchful waiting (rubbish!), 2) removal of the nodule or 3) removal of the thyroid (in severe cases). I wouldn't say it's severe but it's uncomfortable, it makes swallowing annoying, and I have ear pain still. I wish I could get an earlier appointment but Dr is booked. And why don't Drs talk to each other? Even after I told the recent GP what my other issues were, he just nodded absentmindedly. Pittsburgh doctors suck. Honestly, this is the worst healthcare I have ever experienced. I miss my NY internist. She was wonderful. This endocrinologist seems to listen to everything so there might be some hope but God, I have sent to so many specialists and it seems they never just wanted to figure what the cause was, just treat the symptoms. FFS!

I want this sucka gone! But I am not enthused about surgery.
I read somewhere on Earthclinic that cyst uterus and throat might be suggestive of iodine deficiency. But since, that's just a bunch of novices, I don't want to cause hyperthyroidism from megadosing with iodine. True, I don't eat that much salt but I don't want to blow out my thyroid. If anything, I will take a multi with the rda of iodine.


  1. The benign cysts can be treated by ethanol ablation (PEI). This procedure is quite common in Europe since late 1990-s and also practiced here in the US.

  2. Thanks for your response! I've been feeling truly overwhelmed by what seems like a sudden avalanche of health issues.


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