The one where you find out you may be losing your job; again.

Had a talk with Boss today. We're running out of funds. Funds required to continue. Funds to pay me. How do I feel about all this? Well:
- I am in my early 30s, in a place where I know no one.
- I am an alien. A legal one. But that status is dependent on my having a job.

No idea what to do. People always say "do what you love". I don't even know what that is. I used to love what I do. I still love the idea of my job but the day to day...I no longer love that. I just feel stuck and I don't know how to get unstuck.

I never wanted this job but it is all I know how to do. So, now I need to learn to do a new thing. Which hopefully will make me happier, because honestly I hate the industry I work in. And my loss in enthusiasm is making me a so-so worker. I'm not even sure this is a bad thing.


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