Frustration! On having your own pity party

So...I've been away. So much has happened. And nothing has happened.

In August I moved back to NYC to live with my husband. That was what, 6 months ago. I was so naive. I really thought I would have a really good job by now, given how overeducated  (I have a Ph.D. in Neuroscience) I am and now, I'm legal.

Welp, no. And it's f-ing depressing. I've had interviews but no offers. Scratch that, I got an offer for a freelance position and then-, nothing! They have nothing for me. They were to get back to me on whether they filled the full time position. And to improve myself, I emailed them to ask for tiips on how I can improve my application and the asked for my references. So, I got all happy, they spoke to my references, who 2 of the 3 got back to me and were like, 'oh yeah, you are perfect for this job'. The 3rd is always busy but she'd offered to give me recommendations earlier. Could she be the reason? In my desperation, I reached out to the people for an update and got 'We'll reach out to you soon.' That was last Tuesday.

In the meantime, I was half-assedly (new word!?) studying to pass an exam that would help me become a patent agent. Took the test today and failed. Wasn't even close.  First thing I have failed since 7th grade. And now, I'm really at a loss. I'm very bitter, because I'm in a temp job I could have gotten without all that schooling and now I'm being told I'm overqualified with no experience. I'm not sure what to do next. On top of that, everybody I know is pregnant! I'm turning 35 in April, have no insurance, hubby won't knock me up until he knows what my fibroids are like and until we both are better situated. Now there's the Zika virus, despite bathing in OFF deep woods I still get bitten so I can't visit family. I really feel like I need to move from NY where the competition is less. But hubby does not want to. I don't know how much more of this I can take. I'm just frustrated with  everything. When is it going to be my turn?


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