5 month fibroid ultrasound. You wanna squirt what where?

So, went to the Dr for follow up ultrasound. They required the dreaded blood test to confirm I'm not preggers. Then they kept sending me away because they didn't get the results back. So, delayed getting to work much later then planned. That sucked.

I hate going to the gynecologist. I hate that bed, and the stirrups and having someone shine a light up my ...precious while chatting away. And today was doubly terrible because they did a regular transvaginal ultrasound before the sonohysterogram (saline ultrasound).

So, tech 1, said very little while she did the first scan, she seemed to search a while but then kept going over the same places. Didn't hurt just awkward and uncomfortable. Seeing the roll of pics that she took kinda bummed me out. Then she went away to get the RN to do the 2nd scan.

So, RN, introduces herself, explains the sh1tty procedure: that they're put in the cold torture device (speculum), then clean my cervix with a pink solution (antibacterial?) and then inject a saline solution in the lining of my uterus. Any questions?

"Will it hurt?"
"It will feel kinda like menstrual cramps"

Lawd, did she know how much my cramps sucked because of these fibroids?

Anyway, I didn't really feel much. The speculum was the most painful part of the whole thing. They took much less pics and then they were done. Then she said,

"Ok,  everything's gonna come out; you're gonna feel a gush. And, then you have to wear a pad cause the saline will continue to leak for a while. They're in the other room."

So said, so done. They pulled the probe out and then, whoosh! I wonder if that's what it feels like when your water breaks. It was weird.

I didn't ask any questions about the scan though they asked, but they said you have a couple of fibroids in your uterus and I should make a follow up with the Dr about how next to proceed.
Did I hear that right? That's a lot different from a "...uterus full of fibroids", that another ultrasound tech told me back in March (2014). Still, I need actual numbers and sizes. But the first date Dr has available is in 2 weeks! And she had me take a bunch of hormone tests, and a thyroid ultrasound, so we got all that to discuss. I'll get the results sent to me in my health database before then though.

In the meantime, I think I'll just try to stay calm. I prob will still have to do the surgery if they haven't gone before Future Hubs and I decide to have kids.


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