The Randomness- 1 week 'til wedding time and the Ex re-emerges


There is always that one ex that you just can't seem to get rid of. Like Herpes. Now next week I am finally off to go have a practical wedding and just enjoy being with my sweetie and I am counting down the days. Don't do that; doesn't go faster, but I can't help it. So after a long day at work I'm waiting on transport to get home so I check my email while waiting.

Did I see that right? That has to be spam. Why would I be getting an email from HIM?!

Bit of background, this man dumped me a week after saying he wanted to be with me forever, then proceeded to call me everyday and have his friends watch me. This went on for almost 2 semesters. 2 weeks before I graduated college, he called me saying he made a mistake and that we should get back together. I said we could be friends. I moved away for my Master's and he had it in his head that we were together. I went to visit him once and he introduced me to his new friends as his 'friend from NY'

Yeah! I knew this was BS. Couple weeks later he called to say that his pastor told him to break up with me cause we're unequally yoked. He got engaged to one of the people he introduced me to not long afterwards and had the GALL to invite me to his wedding. Did I mention this dude owed me money? Stupid, stupid girl! He still owes me money. And he had a phone account in my name for 2 years that I knew nothing about until I got a letter from a collection agency. YEEEAAAAHHH!! He's a scumbag.

I was so broken by this experience, I didn't date for 5 years. But then I got a new job, met some new friends who encouraged me to start dating again and soon I met the man who would become my fiance. Our first date, I was so mean to him and he was so patient with me. Everytime I think about it I feel so terrible. I've apologized to him since but I was surprised when he called to ask if I wanted to go out again. He was so much fun. He is so much fun. And sweet, kind, and likes to hold my hand. I automatically reach for his hand if anyone walks on my left. Visited home and my mom and sibs were amused by this.

Anyhoo! He emailed to say he was sorry for being a jerk and he remembers how great I was, yadda yadda yadda, horse dead and cow fat (Jamaican expression akin to blah blah blah). So why did I respond? I really just want my money. And to rub it in his face a little bit. It. Was. Awesome.  I'm happy now. So happy, and while I know anything can happen between me and my husband, we're both excited that we're getting married.


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