Laproscopy/hysteroscopy in Dec but in the meantime... a really normal period

So, after discussing baby making plans with the Mr, we've decided to start when we start living together again, next June when my contract is up. I need 6 months to recover from any surgery (still haven't decided). But, in the meantime, I still haven't given up hope that maybe something I'm doing will work. From a fertility standpoint, the reporoductive endocrinologist (RE), recommends the hysteroscopy. One of my 2 fibroids is half in the wall though, so that may require multiple surgeries. She also suggested, if I wanted to remove all my fibroids, I would need a laproscopy. That would be performed by the surgical specialists here at Magee women's hospital in Pittsburgh.

Funnily though, this last period was normal. Well mostly*. And I did all the things you're not supposed to, cause Future Hubs was visiting.
I ate: beef (organic, grass-fed), ice cream, drank wine and cocktails. And it ended when it was supposed to. I didn't bleed for 2 weeks or 10 days. God, it was lovely.  So what did I do?

Plantation Molasses:1 tbs/day - 6 weeks doing this

Vit Shoppe Iron supplement: 1x daily away from calcium supplement, with lemon water - 2 months doing this
Solgar Vit E: 400 IU, 2 capsules daily- 4 weeks doing this
Country Life Kelp: 225 mcg iodine, 1 tab daily
Cod liver oil: 3 capsules daily
Raw for life women's multi: 1 daily
Pearls probiotic: 1 daily
Pure encapsulations DIM-D: 1 tab daily
*Dr's best Serrapeptase: 80,000 IU---will not do this week before period because it was the only new thing I added and I bled more than usual on my heaviest day. I do want to increase this eventually.

Alvita milk thistle seed tea

1hr walk in the sun to make Vit D.
Castor oil packs, 5x/week, except during period
Cardio 5x/week

What I'm adding/changing:
Serrapeptase: 120,000 IU daily, if i do more than that, I break out a bit
Alvita Pau d'arco tea, 1 cup daily. Cycling off with Dandelion root
Traditional medicinals Dandelion root tea. 1 cup daily for 2 weeks then cycle off.
Yogi super green antioxidant tea
EAT MORE spinach.
Maybe Popeye was Anemic, cause since I started taking an iron supplement, I feel so much better. Not weak and tired anymore.


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