The randomness: The week of the Ides of March

You know how people tell you to " what you love" and somehow that will become a fulfilling (economically and otherwise) career? You notice how they say that only after they've forgotten the years of struggle and frustration and that many people don't do what they love? Yeah, they're full of it.  I've been sitting here, deciding not to blitz anywhere with calls or applications today, to think about what I want to do. The things I think of are not exactly great for someone who wants to have a kid and has to carry said kid. For example, finance, I see so few women in finance. I have to go see if I can find one I can talk to and how she made it work.

Game of Thrones

So, HBO had a "dragon landing" in NYC this week that was super lame. I was hoping to see maybe a tiny Drogon or something. Nope, they made it look like they dug up the cobble stone. Totally lame. Crap, I sound like Trump now.

Trump-wtf America?

So, Rubio dropped out last night after getting his ass kicked by Donald Trump in his home state. That's gotta suck. But seriously, after Chris Christie demolished him in the New Hampshire debate, he never recovered. And I'm really happy about Kasich (rhymes with basic) winning Ohio, despite the fact that it will do fuck all. I mean, Trump seems inevitable at this point. The republicans think if they can delay an out and out win until the convention that they can choose another nominee. As much as I think Trump is dangerous, he is winning fair and square. He is their Frankenstein and we all have to deal with it. It's not a joke anymore; he's winning and he still hasn't SAID anything. I don't understand people.

Anime- Erased and Ajin-OMG

So, I'm an unapologetic cartoon and anime watcher. I just discovered these 2 anime that are so awesome. I don't want to spoil it for you but if you like mystery-thriller anime, you should definitely check them out.
I really get tired of all the super power-spin and twirl-change costume-mystery fruit-mutation- animes. I hate most of the slice of life stuff and so many of the heros are ridiculously young. With a weird hair color. And why is the hero always an idiot (Naruto, Sailor Moon, Yu gi, Ranma, Mugiwara (forget his name-pirate kid)) and the genius has to follow his lead. Ugh


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