If your health plan is not PPO; it's shit!

The Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) is the cadillac of insurance plans. I used to have one while in graduate school and didn't know what I had. So many in-network doctors, no need for referrals, low copays including the ER. FFWD to now, when I'm so broke I'm a step away from Medicaid because I still haven't found a job but I want to check up on my fibroids. Let's talk about my 2 problems in turn.

Problem # 1: Fibroids

So, the stress of being unemployed and worrying about that has caused my previously healthy efforts to go south. I'm drinking coffee again, I've stopped DIM because it made my hair fall out, and I'm eating way too many carbs to keep up at my very physical part-time. With these bad habits, I'm worried that they may have grown. So the husband and I sign up for insurance with company A. Can't find any Drs. nearby who takes company A insurance. So after a few weeks, we sign up for company B. Takes a whole month to get a gyno appointment which I have to do before I get a referral for an ultrasound. I don't even know if I can get a referral to a Reproductive endocrinologist.

Problem #2: Mystery Pain

So I lift heavy things all day at part-time job. The pain started as wrist pain, so I bought some wrist straps. Now I've had mini accidents at work enough times (think smashing your fingers in a car door every 2 weeks or so). But around the time when my workload (and accidents) increased,  I started taking inositol to help reduce cystic acne. Few weeks later, I started having a burning tingling in my fingers at night. I've since stopped the inositol, which I read can make insulin resistance worse, but the pain is still there. Obviously, I'm still working because...bills. Because I have pain, there is little urgent care can do. So, earliest appointment? APRIL 11! To see the primary, who only after seeing me will refer me for a test if needed. If this is a progressive condition, I am f-cked! Is this neuropathy or really bad carpal tunnel? I do make the same movements over and over for 5 hours. Lord help me.


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