Clear uterine cavity, moving and broodiness.

These are my (former) Dr's drawings of my fibroid situation. In the upper panel, it shows my 2 SM fibroid. After surgery #1, the bump was all that remained, to the right is what it looked like at the 1st ultrasound, but when they went in for surgery #2 (bottom) she saw a new bump behind the remaining fibroid. She shaved that down as well.

At my follow up sono after surgery #2, a different Dr said the cavity was clear but because of an IM fibroid my periods may still be heavy. Wish I could say that Hubs and I could get pregnant right away but I just finished my current contract and finally moving in with him (after being long distance for 2 years). I would like to start a new job and be in there long enough before I get pregnant so that I may be eligible for maternity leave. I wish I didn't have to wait to try so the Dr advised getting an ultrasound to make sure everything is still clear before we start. 

I will miss my current job, if the pay was even a bit better I would have stayed but I'm looking to change careers now so that Hubs and I can have a better life. I don't know how I feel moving back to NYC as a married person. It's fine if you're single but married and thinking about a house and children, goodness! 

And Babycenter sometimes helps me feel better by seeing other women rejoice at their pregnancies and other times I feel worse because I am jealous of them. Right now though, I'm concentrating on getting a job and so excited to be living together again. And now he's a little broody, pointing out to me little kids he thinks out children will look like. It's nice when we agree. 

By the by, just had the BEST period I've had in years. Couldn't believe it was finished when it was and had only 1 heavy day with none of the awful pain I used to have. Halle-lu-yer!


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