I had a baby with a uterus "full of fibroids"

It has been a minute. As I type this, my little lady is snoring across my lap. Who knew babies snore?! I'm enjoying motherhood so far.

Last time I recorded my thoughts here, I was debating whether to get abdominal myomectomy. All the supplements, exercise, low carb, no soy did not reduce the size it number of my fibroids. I scoured the internet for hope. And because I wanted to start a family, everytime I saw a pregnant woman or was asked, "when are you guys having kids?", It would hurt all the more.

Ugh. So I asked the Dr who did my hys myo to recommend a Dr in NYC. This Dr was at the NYU fertility center. She said I could still get pregnant and carry without surgery but noted risk of placental abruption (?) and fibroid pain. Wee decided to go for it because I didn't want to wait another 6 months to heal. So I did all the preliminary testing for IUI, since my husband and I had tried for 4 cycles and weren't successful. The Dr said I could wait until a year but at 35 and over a year since my hys myo I wanted to get in with it. I had to take a chicken pox booster despite being vaccinated a year earlier because I still wasn't immune. It was during this period that I got pregnant- when I wasn't supposed to.

I was so excited. I peed on a stick everyday for a while. My husband wouldn't believe until I showed him a digital test. The Dr advised me to get blood drawn to check my beta levels. They were increasing but not doubling. Eventually, when my beta got to 1000 or so they did a vaginal ultrasound and saw a tiny gestational sac. They were concerned it wasn't doubling. I went back for another scan. It was done by the head of the NYU fertility center Dr Fancy Italian. He spent all of 30 seconds scanning me before declaring, "I'm sorry, you're pregnancy is over." He snapped off his gloves and left. Somebody must have missed the bedside manner lecture in med school. I called the Dr and she said we should wait another week, scan again before deciding on a d&c or a pill to remove the tissue. I cried and cried. Didn't return when I should've so they called me to come in. The nurses didn't bother to draw blood and the Dr on duty didn't see a sac or anything. He thought it was very strange and asked a nurse to do a blood draw.

2 hrs later, I got a call to come to the hospital right away because my beta was now very high, they wanted to repeat the scan on a better machine. It was in disbelief that I saw the flickering of the little heartbeat. This amazing little fetus was behind a fibroid. The pregnancy was relatively easy, I had no fibroid degeneration, pain or morning sickness but I had awful heartburn and a couple migraines. The delivery however... Was awful. Epidural didn't work and after my waters were broken, I progressed rapidly. It was traumatic for me. Pushing was so hard and I tired easily. I don't know when she left my body. After the delivery I developed preeclampsia which took an extra week in hospital to get under control.

My fibroids are still there. Haven't had a scan since before the delivery, but the largest had grown from 4 cm to 10 cm! I'm just so thankful to God and my body, I survived. I'm here with my beautiful baby, she is such a joy. I'm amazed at how patient I am with her. I'm just grateful. She's 5 months now: teething, babbling, and had just discovered her feet. I'm hoping if someone happens on this blog post, that they are encouraged. It's possible to get and carry a baby to term with fibroids, as long as there are none in the uterine cavity. I hope 2018 brings blessings to all of us!


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