Frustration...job searching and the endless wait to hear back

So I moved to live with the Hubs. Yay, finally. It's been a month and I have to say it is great. Call me crazy but I haven't gotten my usual change-o-the-season sniffle. Is love making me healthier?

We are both transitioning to new jobs. It's been a trying time. Finally together after 2 years long distance and then looking for work. I've sent out application after application. It is hard because, I have to carefully select the places I want to work and then tailor a cover letter and resume for those places. THAT in itself takes so much time, which leaves me little to prepare for a licensing exam I need to sit. On the one hand I feel like I should take and pass then exam first and then apply but then I've heard (and seen) of positions where they hire before you're registered. But the hiring process is long and tedious. I applied to a couple jobs where I know I was shamefully overqualified. Of course they responded quickly in the negative. I mean, if I was a hiring manager, I would wonder why someone would be applying for a position below their educational achievements. Thing is, the positions were related but lower than entry level (for me). I was hoping to get it and use that time to get some experience, this being a new field, and then find a job touting my new found experience.

Hubs started a new job today. It isn't what he wants to do. He also needs to pass a certification exam which he has been putting off. These exams are costly and he wants to be sure he's prepared. Last time he missed the passing score by 3 points! I feel guilty because he's only doing this so we can cope while I find work and study for my exam. Adulthood kinda sucks


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