Kinky hair in Corporate America

So, finally something non-fibroid related. I'm switching careers from what was a relatively laid back research environment to the conservative law firm/company environment. I have no sense of style and that includes my hair.  A twist out and flexi rod sets are a few that I've mastered but...I am style challenged. I really don't want my hair to hinder me getting a job but I don't want to lose the 2+ years of progress I've made, nor do I want to go back to all day salon waits, never ending split ends and trim after trim.
         Now, I've found a blog called Corporette that offers great tips of work wear beyond the basic navy/charcoal suit. Is there such a blog for kinky hair? Are braids frowned upon (what if they're in a bun)? I'd love feedback from any naturals in the corporate world. They keep saying hair should be "neat"- is a twistout neat?


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