4 days post hysteroscopic Myomectomy

It's 4 days post my hysteroscopic Myomectomy and I feel ...mostly ok. Dr told me to expect some spotting and discomfort from the catheter/balloon. What she didn't tell me about was the nausea and constipation, good lord! Well, she did prescribe colace and anti-nausea meds so ok. She didn't say how bad it was going to be.
    The husband came down last minute and met me at the hospital. He was great. I was asked a zillion times to spell my name and give my dob. Blue massagers were wrapped around each leg to prevent clots. I loved those things. Last thing I remember is waiting on the bed outside the OR.
      They only did the hysteroscopy, so no lap in case they made a hole. No transfusions needed and they made sure I could pee before calling in family. My hubby remembers very little because he was sleep deprived as well but says them showed him before and after pics.
   Went home and was ok until Sunday when the discomfort from the constipation caused me to bawl. I felt like I was going to blow up like the kid in Willy Wonka.
So highlights?-
Worst part: cramping from inserted cytotec the night before surgery
Best part:---hopefully a successful future pregnancy

Meds:-anti- nausea
  - 800 mg ibuprofen
-progesterone (on 15th day of Premarin )

I do wonder if the Premarin will make the others grow. Right now, feel pretty cruddy I feel like I have an ear infection .


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