Myomectomy scheduled. And other crappy things

To say I feel crappy is an understatement. My hysteroscopic myomectomy is next week, it's Aunt Flo time and I'm not allowed painkillers. A MAJOR reason I'm getting these out is the pain! Having never been in labour, I know nothing of that pain, but fibroid pain has to be up there in comparison.
This is me, currently.

So, Dr recommended doing it immediately after period so that the lining is thinner and she'll be able to see the fibroids in the wall properly. I cannot take anything 2 weeks before surgery, so I stopped all my supplements and teas. I'm only taking my multivitamin. Good news, my hemoglobin is good, all bloodwork normal. NOT pregnant. Ha! She showed me the ultrasound from August again and it was clear, there was no way an egg was gettin' in that uterus.

I am scared. Because there are risks with every surgery and mostly because I am alone. They changed the surgery dates and so my husband can no longer come down to help, nor my mom come from overseas on time. Though, I might be able to get a ride home from a coworker. That's all I need. I'll prep meals and so on beforehand. This is supposed to be the minimally invasive one, though Dr did say, it could change on the day. I don't have a choice.

And then there's this, my husband and I are not getting on. Perhaps it's the distance, but I went to see him last week and we spent most of the time fighting. Why? Well, he seemed to be changing his mind about starting a family by the end of this year, like we'd agreed. I felt deceived; trapped. I love this man and I wanted a family with him, but I am getting older and this is not fair to me. If we truly do not start by December, I do not think I can continue in the marriage. It will only cause me to resent him which would destroy the relationship anyway. This is messed up. It's not like we haven't talked about kids since day one. I've already given him 4+ years of my life, this is my breaking point.


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