Hello 2015! Small progress

Sorry to have been MIA, but I wanted to wait until I had a sort of update. In the months I've been away, I've been consistently taking:
Nature's way DIM
Milk Thistle tea
Dandelion root tea (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off)
Pau d'Arco tea (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off)
Prenatal vitamins - they usually cover all I want in a multi. I'm liking the Honest Co whole food prenatal. I've a monthly subscription of that and a prenatal DHA for $35.95. That's not too bad considering how pricy vitamins can be.

Also intermittently took calcium d glucarate 250-500mg daily but since it reduces all hormone levels, not just estrogen, I cycle that 1 month on, 1 month off. This fibroid fight is tough.

I restarted Serrapeptase in December and I think it might be working better this time. Instead of taking it right before bed, I instead take it as soon as I wake and wait 30 minutes before eating. It reduced a callous I've had on my finger since the 9th grade. I'd become so used to it that I'd rub it with my thumb while thinking, kinda like tapping a pencil or biting one's nails. I was writing an email to my boss and noticed I couldn't feel it. It's been quite a surprise and I hope it means it's also reduced the fibroids. Also, along with a low-ish carb diet my stomach was finally flat and I was slowly losing weight. Plus, no more thyroid nodule!

One note about serrapeptase, this is purely speculative, if you're anemic or have low blood pressure, a too high dose might make you feel faint. On days I took 240,000 IU I had a similar feeling when I passed out at work from low iron levels. Possibly because serrapeptase can lower blood pressure. So yeah, so much for no side effects.

However, the holiday season was spent with my lovely hubby. He's awesome but when it comes to battling my fibroids, he is not the best help. Coffee, sweets, alcohol and rich food bloat me up like a blimp. No lie, within minutes of sharing some lobster mac and cheese, I looked pregnant! My stomach felt hard and I did the pregnant lady waddle all evening.

Periods still regular and are slowly inching back to a 28 day cycle. I had gotten down to 23 days at one point. Now I'm averaging every 26 days. My heavy days are getting less heavy.  At it's worst I was changing napkins every hour. The last 2 cycles, on the heavy days I was changing every 3 hours. TMI, I know.

The plan is to go back next month, check on their progress and schedule surgery if necessary. The husband has agreed to start baby making end of Summer. We were a little careless during my Shark week over the holiday season but I was told the wrecking balls in ma uterus would prevent implantation. Though, no lie, I would be a bit pleased if I was--terrible timing though.


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