Another woman with fibroids.

I had no idea that fibroids were so common until I started to be affected by them. It started as a series of strange health problems.
-First, my cycles started to get shorter going from 28 days to 25.
- 2 months later a growth developed on my gum. It went away after a month but re-emerged in Nov 2013. It's known as a Pyogenic granuloma.
-Then my periods became unbearably heavy. Embarrassingly so, I had to sleep with an old towel beneath me so that I wouldn't soil the bed. My periods were always kinda heavy though
-But what finally got my attention was the shortness of breath that I developed. One night the gasping was so bad, I got on the bus and went to the ER. I've just recently moved to a place where I know no one and is much colder than my last place. The ER doctor's could find nothing. A week later, I would return to the ER after collapsing at work, with an abnormally fast heartbeat.

My primary dr remarked that I may be anemic after she saw my low blood cell counts from the tests the ER doctors did. She didn't recommend an iron supplement but I bought one anyway and started to feel better within a few weeks.

Something was still wrong about my period though.  And my wee (urine) was drippy, not a steady stream. I felt like I never fully emptied my bladder. So in March 2014 after a longer than normal period I went to a gyno who didn't feel anything but sent me for an ultrasound anyway. There it was discovered that my uterus was "...full of fibroids." Ouch! Nooooooo! I'm getting married soon but have no children which my fiance and I definitely want. Doesn't help that I'm 33.
So, the only measured 7:
1 transmural 4cm, 1 transmural 3.5 cm, and 5, 1cm submucosal and subserosal fibroids. Still, all that echoed in my head was "...full of fibroids." I walked home in a daze. If they weren't in my uterus, I wouldn't be so worried.

So I went home and googles like a maniac. I ended up buying a DIM supplement at Whole foods, which really helped in returning me to a 28 day cycle but my stomach was still puffy. I started to eat healthier, though I was already doing this, but I cut out all soy products. You would not believe how many products contain soy. Cutting out caffeine was the hardest because I LOVE coffee. But seriously, was I really going to let coffee stand in the way of me ever having a child? Still, I really want to get rid of them quickly and read that adding a progesterone cream would help, but this did NOT work for me. It made my periods worse. It was heavier and I passed the largest clots I've ever passed. So now I'm back to DIM.

I've since added:
-Milk thistle seed tea
-Cod liver oil
-Castor oil packs, 4 days a week for 1 hr, when not menstruating
-Daily walks in the sun (to make vit D)
- 1hr cardio, 3-4x/week

I tried apple cider vinegar and black strap molasses but was not consistent. I'm thinking of revisiting them since they seem to work for some ladies.
Since adding these, my bloated belly has gone down significantly, my peeing is not drippy like it was before.

Things I'm considering:
-Shepherd's purse, nettle, red clover (though some sites say it might be estrogenic), pau'd arco. If you

My followup is in August 2014, along with some hormonal tests between cycle days 5-10. I'm really hoping to avoid surgery if possible. My friend used a bunch of teas (red clover, nettle, dandelion root, milk thistle) and teas to shrink hers and is 1 month away from meeting her baby! (I'm so excited for her). And I have another friend who had a baby after her myomectomy (but the fibroid has since grown back). Still, I'm trying to keep a positive attitude and just try to take good care of myself.


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